And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8
Parish Giving
A parish is dependent on the generosity of its parishioners to sustain itself and its many charitable and pastoral works.
The collection is taken up at the end of the Liturgy of the Word. The collection covers the costs of running the Parish, Church maintenance and the costs involved with liturgy, educational programmes, administration and property management. It also supports the upkeep of the presbytery and includes a contribution to the Diocesan clergy.
The proceeds are administered by the Parish Priest and the Parish Finance Committee; while a proportion of the collections are levied to assist the clergy and Church at the Diocesan level.
While your voluntary donations are essential in providing the Parish with much needed finances; it is important to remember that your giving must be balanced against your personal needs. While there is merit in making sacrifices for the good of others, it should not be at too great a cost. Manageable and consistently regular amounts are equally appreciated.
Tax deductible receipts are available for all regular contributions and donations from planned giving and online payments.
Ways to Give
Automatic Payment
You may opt to set up regular payments to contribute to the parish. This can be set up via internet banking, setting up the amount and frequency that you wish to contribute. The bank account details are provided below.
Account Name: Balmoral Parish
Account Number: 02-0108-0708836-000
Particulars: [Your name]
Code: [your giving number (if available)]
Reference: Planned Giving
If you feel uncomfortable at the time of collections at Mass know that there are tokens in the foyer - simply take one of these on your way in and place this in the collection basket.
Fill our Foodbank
Good Shepherd Parish has a food bank collection for food which is distributed by St Vincent de Paul to those in need. Any non-perishable goods are always most welcome. Contributions to the foodbank can be placed in the basket found in the church foyer or if you would like to make a donation please contact the parish office during office hours or by email.
Giving Envelopes
We have giving envelopes which can be placed at the collections taken up during Sunday Masses. With these envelopes parishioners may allocate their giving as they consider best, between the support of the clergy, and the Parish and the wider Church.
Remembering Good Shepherd Parish in Your Will
By leaving a bequest to the parish church you leave a legacy that will benefit the Church into the future, a gift that will be greatly appreciated.
Your bequest is your choice - it may be part of your estate, an item of value, a sum of money - whether large or small it will be put to good use.
Sample wording
"... to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland for the benefit of Good Shepherd Parish Balmoral, including all of its successors, I give and bequeath ..."